At Gilberdyke Primary the school council are an important piece of the ever evolving jigsaw that is school development. They form the pupil voice for the school community.
Two children from each class are elected by their peers to become their class councillors because they are role models for all other children, are considerate towards others and follow our school expectations to the highest standard.
The school council meets regularly to discuss ideas, thoughts or concerns raised by the children in their class. As a group the children decide on the best way forward and then disseminate their decision back to their class via a class circle.
The children have created their own suggestion slips and distributed these into Foundation Stage, KS1 and KS2. The children check these boxes regularly and try to act upon the suggestions given.
This year, the school council has also met virtually with other school council members from our HCAT community and is beginning to look ahead to HCAT’s upcoming birthday celebrations. We believe that it is important for our school council members to be part of the wider community within HCAT.
Each year a new school council committee is selected by the children in school and new priorities are decided upon. We believe it is imperative that our children’s voices are heard and the school council ensure that this is evidenced in our ongoing school development.