‘I came from another school and I’ve met loads of new friends. This school is about friendship, respect and we always follow the expectations, it works well.’
‘Gilberdyke is a kind and respectful school with trusted people to talk to. Everyone gets along with each other because of the values about respect, responsibility and resilience.’
‘Gilberdyke is about respect and responsibility. I’ve learnt a LOT about that whilst I’ve been here and we need to. We try our hardest in everything and never give up!’
‘I’m going to miss having fun lessons. Gilberdyke has taught me simple manners and respect and how much that is needed and necessary in life.’
‘All staff greet with a smile and are approachable and always there to listen.’
‘I’ve really valued the amount of respect I’ve been shown. I know that I’m never alone. I can talk to anyone.’
‘The values the school has shine through the students.’
‘It is a welcoming school that puts children first.’
‘This school is an environment where everyone has a voice.’
‘There are loads of things to do here, it’s fun in lessons and loads of other people to make friends with.’
‘Children are given the confidence to grow and learn.’
‘The staff are kind, even when they’re tired, they keep going because we are resilient!’
‘This school is a safe, educating, welcoming, accepting and all round brilliant school.’
‘Responsibility is key to having a good career, this school has taught me that.’
‘Gilberdyke is a place where everyone feels welcome because we are respectful of each other and friendly.’
‘The children are happy because of the amount of effort teachers put into wellbeing.’
‘The best thing about Gilberdyke is that we accept everyone for who they are – that’s the thing I’ll miss most.’